ARTLIFE NEWS #5: What have I left out?!

This chart is a perpetually ongoing work in progress that hangs on the door in my teaching studio in north Boulder.
I’ve named all the primary forms of creativity I can think of on it - like visual, verbal, performance, etc - plus, in the pie-chart sections, a few of the more obvious ways we explore them. For instance, the category of Verbal art-making takes forms like writing and singing.
Being a work in progress, the chart is not entirely linear in where and how things are described. Which seems as it should be, given the subject. I often feel like I’ve left out something important, though, something I can never seem to catch. This ongoing teaser almost keeps me up at night.
What am I not seeing? Oh, one aspect comes to me right now: dreaming, and imagining itself: the endless percolating and fermenting that’s going on inside us all the time.
I’m wishing you a week of noticing ways in which you’re constantly being creative. So that you get nudged, enticed and enlivened into taking whatever it is a step further, and then another stop further...
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